Tuesday, December 5, 2006

to my teacher and mentor:

Althea, Innana, Sekmet, Hera...
it was you that i once loved
you alone, it was you.
walking brothers, trees
in mist of green, grey & blue
ginger hair and visage bright
my goddess lady of violet moon's light.

Althea, Innana, Sekmet, Hera...
sister, teacher,
friend so true
walking brothers, trees
in mist of green, grey & blue
ginger hair and visage bright
my goddess lady of violet moon's light.

Althea, Innana, Sekmet, Hera...
sister in this---
life so new.
walking brothers, trees
in mist of green, grey & blue
ginger hair and visage bright
my goddess lady of violet moon's light.

Althea, Innana, Sekmet, Hera...
from your breast like Ishtar---
knowledge grew.
walking brothers, trees
in mist of green, grey & blue
ginger hair and visage bright
my goddess lady of violet moon's light.

Althea, Innana, Sekmet, Hera...
it it you that i love,
your children and husband, too.
walking brothers, trees
in mist of green, grey & blue
ginger hair and visage bright
my goddess lady of violet moon's light.


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