Friday, December 22, 2006

observations after the winter solstice

i just love holding, licking and tasting a nice firm shaft of flesh, the feel of the almost indescribable pleasure of another man ass hole... the soft, velvet, smooth, damp puckering tightness against my fingers, tongue and cock --- transcends any words or ideas. i am left with my crude skill to relate just how --- one must but feel... and enjoy them as a spiritual experience to truly understand just what being with another man is like...

there is an old arabic proverb:
"anus smooth and round, penis so to fit...
it would be made like a hatchet if it were made for the slit!"

most ancients knew the reality of human response and desire...
i think in overly organized religions and cultures... the "norm" dis-values self expression,
trying to control the masses by in humane conditioning, sniffling and mocks the basic human need to unite in one's own divinity with others without unloving gods...
observations after fasting on filtered water, lemon juice, molasses, cyanne pepper and weak jasmine tea in meditation for three days leading up to the winter solstice then an out doors for ritual and merriment!
after midnight on 12/22/2006

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